Professional Learning
At Langstone Primary School we are proud to be a lead Professional Learning school and as such we work closely with other school across the EAS region, and across Wales, to provide a wide range of professional learning to support all staff including leaders, teachers and those that assist teachers.
We also provide support for students training to be teachers through our work with Universities . Our aim is to support the realisation of our Curriculum for Wales, support the development of schools as learning organisations and the professional teaching and leadership standards and assessment arrangements, which are underpinned by the Excellent Teaching and Leadership Frameworks.
By providing such opportunities within our school, within our cluster and within our region, we strive to follow the four national key enabling objectives of:
Developing a high-quality education profession.
Inspirational leaders working collaboratively to raise standards.
Strong and inclusive schools committed to excellence, equity and well-being.
Robust assessment, evaluation and accountability arrangements supporting a self-improving system.