
Leadership Team

Mrs Russell


Mr Jones

Deputy Headteacher

Mrs Bryant

Professional Learning Lead

Mrs Isaac


Foundation Phase

Bryn Bach Nursery

Mrs Benger

Mrs Chambers


Miss Gibbs

Mrs Daniel

Miss West

Miss Morgan

Miss Williams

Mrs Evans

Years 1 and 2

Mr Jones

Miss Galloway

Mrs Suller

Mrs Manley

Mrs Westwood

Mrs Brincat

Miss Cooper

Mrs Webb

Mrs Gabica

Mr Vinnicombe

Miss Feltham

Key Stage 2

Years 3 and 4

Mrs Isaac

Mrs Johnson

Miss Finn

Miss Watts

Mrs Gopaul

Years 5 and 6

Mrs Bryant

Miss Rowson

Mrs Channing

Mrs Bradley

Mrs Colcombe

Mrs Young

School Support

Mrs Swift

Mrs Meakin

Mrs Davies

Mr Bates

Mr Campbell

Mr Godden

Mrs Poskett-Jones

Mrs Salman